Hawthorn Berries that were used in today's Autumnal Equinox Ritual |
Here in New Zealand it is
currently autumn heading towards winter, I have just celebrated the Autumnal Equinox,
with a bunch of local pagans up at The Woolshed, a local pagan place where the
Sabbats are generally held. The next
Sabbat will be Samhain, which is at the end April beginning of May. The southern hemisphere wheel has turned to
the dark side of the year where the nights are longer than the days. In the northern hemisphere they have just
celebrated the Vernal Equinox, spring is Spruning and their wheel has turned
towards the light half of the year where the days are longer than the
nights. Do you get where I am going
here? In essences our seasons are in reverse
of the seasons in the northern hemisphere.
It seems simple enough to
transpose the dates of the Pagan seasonal Calendar, which was cobbled together
in England, six months and hey presto you have a southern hemisphere sabbatical
calendar. All good right? Right?
Well actually no. There are a few
other things to take into account when living in a country where the original seasonal
calendar did not originate, and more so when it is in a different hemisphere, Not
only are the seasons reversed here in the southern hemisphere, so too is the
direction of how we cast our circles, which here in the New Zealand is anti-clockwise. Our sun rises in the east as it does all over
the world, but tracks north in the sky and sets in the west, rather than tracking
south as it does in the northern hemispheres. And as a point of interest, if
you happen to live near the equator, you will find that the sun tracks both
north and south, depending on the time of the year. It is that squiggly line you sometimes see around
globes, the path of the sun. However
here in the southern hemisphere the fact the sun tracks north, also means
the ‘traditional’ correspondences for north and south are also reversed, with northing
being fire, and south being earth. but that is a topic for another post.
this post is about seasons.
These Sabbats that were cobbled together by Gerald Gardner and Ross Nicolas while hanging about sans clothes at Fiveacres Nudist club, in England, where made for English Witches who lived in England. These where not necessarily put together with other countries in mind, so to speak. Sure here in New Zealand we have 4 distinct seasons, however we are further away from the South Pole than England is from the North. There is a variation between the ‘traditional’ seasonal correspondents that if often found in Pagan books and what is actually happening on the ground here in New Zealand. There is also quite an interesting variation of seasonal growth and temperatures from one end of the country to the other, and I presume that this is the same for England, however my point here is that your seasonal wheel should be something more than just transposing the dates by six months, it should be shaped to the seasonal norms for the land you are living.
Now this is all very good and
well but here in New Zealand the British Settlers did not alter their various British
traditions such as Christmas, New Years and Easter to the reversed seasons of
New Zealand, and recently Halloween has become a thing in New Zealand, but it
is celebrated at the end of October rather than the more seasonally appropriate
end of May. So this causes some interesting
conundrums for Pagans and Witches here. What this means is that while the rest
of New Zealand is gearing up for Easter, a Spring themed celebration, as it currently
is the Kiwi Pagans are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox. As I mentioned in my first post I have found
this to be quite difficult to consolidate in my head and something that I am
constantly working on? With? Hm. I can remember when I was a small child
communing with the Christmas Tree, which was a pine tree my uncles had gotten,
with its lights and shiny decorations, it was one of the first magical experiences
that I can remember. However I have had
difficult over the years consolidating the distinct winterness of Christmas
decorations and trimmings, with the fact that here in New Zealand it is the
summer solstice. Not however mid
summers, as the Summer Solstice marks the beginning of summer here and not the
middle. Our hottest times of the year or
what I would consider mid summers is generally January and February. The duality of mainstream celebrating new
life, and the season turning towards harvest and the end of life makes for some
very interesting contemplation. Maybe
this year I will make Easter eggs with skulls on them and try to get past the
disgruntled feeling I get when the mainstream is celebrating the wrong thing in
the wrong season.
The other interesting thing about
seasonal Sabats here in New Zealand is that while on the one hand we have four distinguishable
seasons, they are not quite the same as in Britain, where they originated. As I mentioned
above Britain is closer to the north pole that we are to the south pole. This means that we have in relation quite a temperate climate. Here in Wellington it
does not often fall below zero degrees, during the winter and we only have snow
in very small quantities in the city every bazillion years or so. Actually we had snow last year. And during the summer it does not often get
above 30 degrees
But then to my mind celebrating
and honouring a Pagan seasonal calendar not just about the dates and their ascribed
meaning, but also about celebrating seasonally in the land you live, which will
often deviate from the prescribed description found in books. This also means that your seasonal
celebrations and times may differ from year to year.
After spending a year gardening
for other people I became a lot more observant about my environment around
me. I paid more attention to plants and
trees and have come to rely on them to tell me what the seasons are doing.
Actually this year I felt the
death of summer in quite distinctly in early March as I mentioned in previous
post. Also I have noticed as mentioned
above the prescribed seasonal Sabbat dates, for the southern hemisphere more mark the beginning of any given season
rather than the middle, and that the cross quarters Samhane, Beltane, Lughnasadh
and Brigid are more fluid than the equinoxes and solstices which mark the
passage of the sun
Luckily on 1995 updated and
re-released in 2005, Juliet Batten wrote one of New Zealand’s only Pagan books,
Celebrating the Southern Seasons, which is an excellent guide on New Zealand seasons
and the various customs and suggestions on how to celebrate season here in New
Zealand It is a book that I have found myself
going back to again and again as my understanding of the cyclic year deepens,
something Juliet wrote I agree with and other things I don’t but I always find things
of interest.
So for those of you who are
interested here are the Southern Season Sabbat Dates starting from the current
Autumnal Equinox March 20-23rd
Samhane April 31st – May 1st
Winter Solstice June 20-23rd
Brigid August 2nd
Vernal Equinox September 20-23rd
Beltane Oct 31st – Nov 1st
Summer Solstice December 20-23rd
Lughnasadh February 2nd
Todays colourful Sunset |